This page is dedicated to all the women who have brought up children alone whether they are alive or now deceased. Children, husbands, partners and boyfriends, siblings and those who look up to women who have been like mothers to them are welcome to write a thank you note, a tribute or even a birthday or wedding anniversary wish, or a congratulation announcement here. You must be a WSP member or partner in order to have something posted on this page so please register with us first and then send us a request and your thank you note or tribute to your favorite mother or mother figure. Thank you in advance for your willingness to share your thoughts and kind words for our site visitors to be inspired by.
A Tribute to My Mother
By Rosita P. Antonio - Posted June 18, 2012
My mother, Viola S. Henry passed away in April 1999 at the age of 76. She would have been 77 on June 18th of that year and would have been 90 years old today, the day this tribute is being posted. I thank God for my mother; she was a beautiful friend, counselor, advisor and mentor as well as a godly mother! I trust that you all may be blessed and inspired by her story. Please click here to read my tribute to my mother. Thank you.